Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Secret Pal revealed! is the end of the Secret Pal 9 exchange. Sad that it's over because I've had so much fun. I connected with both my spoiler and my spoilee.
My spoiler was (is?) Michelle of . She sent me cool stuff all the way from Australia!!!!! We plan on doing some personal swaps. In fact, I have a box of yarns that she ordered through me from which I will ship to her once I return from Basel.
My spoilee was (is?) Rhonna of . I sent her cool (I hope!) stuff from the USA all the way to Norway!!!!!! Rhonna was terrific at corresponding and in fact, my acceptance into my program at Temple was probably due to her advice on my statement of goals and objectives!!
My spoiler was (is?) Michelle of . She sent me cool stuff all the way from Australia!!!!! We plan on doing some personal swaps. In fact, I have a box of yarns that she ordered through me from which I will ship to her once I return from Basel.
My spoilee was (is?) Rhonna of . I sent her cool (I hope!) stuff from the USA all the way to Norway!!!!!! Rhonna was terrific at corresponding and in fact, my acceptance into my program at Temple was probably due to her advice on my statement of goals and objectives!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thank you again Secret Pal!!!
Guess what I got in the post today??? You completely made my day with the wonderful surprises that you sent! All Aussie goods too!!! You've been a great Secret Pal! I look forward to finding out who you are...
The yarns are sooo soft and the colours are perfect. I think I already have an idea of what to knit with them!!!
And I've already polished off 3 of the Chewy Caramel Tim Tam, so much for my New Year's resolution of not eating too many sweets. Well, I can always make new resolutions for the upcoming Chinese New Year. Good to have a fallback plan, don't you think?
On the knitting front, I wonder if I will finish this cardi before I leave for my business trip? This is the "Childhood" pattern from Knitty, sans hood. I started this cardi like last year (March 2006) and then picked it up again recently (when I was at the in-laws over Xmas break). All I have left to knit is the 1 sleeve, the button bands, and the neck band. And find some buttons and seaming it all up. Hmmm, maybe only the remaining sleeve will be done before I leave on Sunday.
And I LOVE the way Mission Falls wool yarn feels on the Addi Turbos!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
In memoriam
I found out today that my highschool friend's mom died last thursday, less than 2 months after the death of her husband (my friend's father). In less than 2 months, my friend lost both her parents.
We send our heartfelt condolences to my friend and her family.
We send our heartfelt condolences to my friend and her family.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
What the f#%$ ???? Do I need my hearing checked?
Yesterday I decided to drive to the Whole Foods market that just opened in another town, a significantly larger one, instead of going to the small Whole Foods near my house. I spent way too long in the store and spent way too much $$ but that's not what irked me. When I was walking and pushing my grocery cart to my car, some woman yelled out of her car "Move it, you chink!"
I thought to myself, wow, comments like that must be illegal here in this day and age. Had I not been so shocked, I might have taken a pix of her license plate and reported her to the police (?).
When I mentioned the incident to Richard, he was completely shocked.
What to make of this, I don't know. I don't think I can completely forget about it either.
I thought to myself, wow, comments like that must be illegal here in this day and age. Had I not been so shocked, I might have taken a pix of her license plate and reported her to the police (?).
When I mentioned the incident to Richard, he was completely shocked.
What to make of this, I don't know. I don't think I can completely forget about it either.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Catching up and photos
January is the "catch-up" month. Here are some photos that I should have posted back in December. Here is a photo of Marlis' friends sleeping.
Here is another photo of typical 3-yr old reaction to Santa Claus. (either that or it was the size of the gift that displeased her!)

And me, the birthday girl holding up with yummy ice cream cake that my friend Sean bought me: (uh, the photo is not that flattering of me but rather pay close attention to the cake!!)

And here are some pix of my bday party last Saturday! We had about 25 people (including the 8 children). It is amazing that they all fit into our tiny house!!!! Everyone contributed such delicious foods. I think a good time was had by all.

And lastly, I finished knitting the skein of Seven Sammys I bought at Rheinbeck ages ago but here is a rather blurry photo of it. Also I completed but haven't weaved in the ends of the hat I knitted for Marlis using the Morehouse Merino Bulky.

Friday, January 12, 2007
Happy Birthday to me
My birthday today and I had a more-than-usual lousy day at work. And I have be working my butt off at my party tomorrow. No rest for the weary. I need a vacation from my life.