Thursday, January 18, 2007
Catching up and photos
January is the "catch-up" month. Here are some photos that I should have posted back in December. Here is a photo of Marlis' friends sleeping.
Here is another photo of typical 3-yr old reaction to Santa Claus. (either that or it was the size of the gift that displeased her!)

And me, the birthday girl holding up with yummy ice cream cake that my friend Sean bought me: (uh, the photo is not that flattering of me but rather pay close attention to the cake!!)

And here are some pix of my bday party last Saturday! We had about 25 people (including the 8 children). It is amazing that they all fit into our tiny house!!!! Everyone contributed such delicious foods. I think a good time was had by all.

And lastly, I finished knitting the skein of Seven Sammys I bought at Rheinbeck ages ago but here is a rather blurry photo of it. Also I completed but haven't weaved in the ends of the hat I knitted for Marlis using the Morehouse Merino Bulky.