Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pleasant weekend

Spent a pleasant weekend. Should have been studying but instead went to the Arts/Crafts Fair at Brookdale Park on Sat and went to CultureFest on Sunday in NYC at Battery Park. Met up with some friends in NYC and ate a Souen, a macrobiotic restaurant.

I have been so full of mixed emotions since my return to NJ from Basel. On one hand, I yearn to still live there, on the other hand, I would really miss the vibe and energy of NYC.

Well, I still have more or less 1 more year of school left and then decide whether to return to Basel or go to Shanghai on another international assignment. Maybe I should just toss a coin and see????

Oh yeah, something I have been wondering, is it a female trait to expect replies to emails from the recipient or is it just me who is demanding? Is it common courtesy and politeness to respond to emails? If the email recipient don't ever reply, should I continue writing? Why bother, right? It's like writing and throwing my thoughts into a black hole. Or is the recipient hoping that I would take the hint and stop communicating all together?

Yup, been so full of emotions lately that I don't even know what to think.

Hm, yeah, I always expect replies to emails. I feel weird when people don't respond unless it is one of those cut off points.

One more year to go! I am counting down.
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