Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Arigatoo gozaimasu Secret Pal!!!

My surprise from my Secret Pal arrived on Saturday morning!!! Here are some pix of my surprises (apologies in advance for my lack of photography skills).
Thank you very much, Merci beaucoup, Vielen Danke, Do jeh, Arigatoo gozaimasu, Kiitos!!!
I LOVE the gorgeous scarf, the colourway is perfect for me. Can't wait until the winter (I love winter anyway, growing up in Canada and all!!). Ihave been wanting to try out that pattern for awhile now so now I have an actual sample to follow.
The CD is also great too, great mix. It is funny that my Secret Pal put a Chris Smither song on the CD because me and my husband saw him in concert as our first date at the Outpost in the Burbs!!!!!!!!!
My Secret Pal also mailed me a postcard from Michigan where she was on holidays last month! I felt quite nostalgic when I saw the postcard. You see, I lived and worked briefly in Lansing in 1998 and took a weekend drive to Mackinaw City and walked up the Sleeping Bear Dunes (it was a quite a drive from Lansing: ). I also remembered meeting up with a friend who lived in Novi for dinners in Ann Arbour. Fond memories, sigh.