Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Progress on baby cardi:
I have completed sleeve 1 of the Baby cardi (Debbie Bliss Easy Knits book) and actually started on sleeve 2 while I was on the train Monday afternoon. I might even be able to complete the cardi this weekend.

Bokashi composting:
I decided that our motto should be "re-use and re-cycle" whenever possible so I went ahead and ordered an indoor compost using Bokashi.
Richard was pretty horrified when I told him about our purchase because he had visions of garbage putrifying inside the house. Well, I have been putting all our veggie and fruit peelings and coffee grinds into this compost for about 1.5 weeks now and have been faithfully draining off the liquid to use as fertilizer for our balcony garden and as a drain cleaner. I can't wait to put the fermented kitchen waste into potting soil and letting it decompose to be used as soil.

Our balcony garden: ( I am growing sage, fennel, chamomile, basil, tomatoes. chives, verbena, blueberries, strawberries, peas, oregano, arugula, rosemary, coriander, and lemon thyme)
The tomato plants are growing like mad. They probably have grown 15 inches since I planted them from seedlings a month ago.
The basil is coming up slowly and it looks like we will have strawberries in about 2 weeks!!!
I saw 1 blueberry on the blueberry bush, fingers crossed for this one!
I just hope that Alicia will come and water our garden faithfully while we are away in June. It would be really sad if they all dried up from thirst.

My former highschool crush is currently taking time off to travel South East Asian. He has been using his blog to update friends and family on his travels. I really envy him being able to do that and it sounds like he is having an amazing time. Check out his blog: http://www.colinsanctuary.com/

From my end, only 3 weeks left before we leave for Tokyo and Hong Kong. I have so much to prepare. I finally got the proofs back from the Printing department and, through no fault of theirs, I found that a few of the slides did not print out. I hate using other people's Powerpoint presentations!!! Anyhow, not only do I have to dig up some org charts for various projects to share with my Japanese colleagues but I also have to find some gifts to bring them. There is just nothing unique about New Jersey. My swiss colleagues have the advantage of bringing swiss chocolates and/or leckerlis as gifts. sigh. I can't even bring anything from Dean&Deluca because there is already a Dean&Deluca in Tokyo.

(I am looking forward to going to a yarn store in Tokyo, apparently there are some Noro there that aren't sold here!!)

And for Hong Kong, my mom told me that I have to bring loads of multivitamins for my aunts and uncle! I hope I won't get mistaken at customs as a vitamin trafficker.

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